Women’s Weapons: Lipstick & Tears?
Women’s Weapons: Lipstick & Tears? consisted of works belonging to the collection of the Sara Hildén Foundation and presented the multifaceted nature of femininity. The subject is approached primarily through the works of contemporary female artists, but some classics of modern art were also included. The title of the exhibition originates in a story in a Donald Duck comic book.
The works of the female artists in the exhibition represent different genres and movements in art. The artists included Chantal Joffe, Mariko Mori, Ellen Gallagher, Susanne Gottberg, Tiina Heiska, Tuula Lehtinen, Elina Merenmies, Mari Rantanen, Anna Retulainen, Nina Roos, Stiina Saaristo, Mari Sunna, Kristiina Uusitalo and Marianna Uutinen.
The exhibition also offered a chronologically extensive overview of ways of presenting femininity and the female experience. Georges Rouault´s watercolour The Harlot dates back to 1905, while Marianna Uutinen’s acrylic painting Plastic Sky 10 (2015) is the newest work in the Foundation’s collection.
Helinä Hukkataipale’s video works linked the exhibition with the Pirkanmaa Triennial, the subject of which was Make yourself at Home.